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7 Best Practices for Faster Enterprise Healthcare Software Development

Written by Ottersoft | Jun 29, 2023 1:56:01 AM

Enterprise healthcare software development is a complex process that requires careful planning, collaboration, and execution. Companies are under increased pressure to deliver software solutions quickly and efficiently in today's fast-paced business environment. This article explores seven best practices for faster software development.

Best Practices for Faster Enterprise Healthcare Software Development

1. Agile Development

Adopting an Agile methodology like Scrum or Kanban can improve productivity and efficiency by promoting iterative development, continuous feedback, and frequent delivery of working software.

The agile methodology encourages a collaborative and flexible mindset, empowering teams to respond to change quickly. It values frequent communication, transparency, and self-organizing teams. The fundamental principles of Agile include:

  • Customer collaboration — Regular feedback and communication are essential.
  • Adaptive planning — This embraces a dynamic approach to planning.
  • Iterative development — Agile projects are divided into short iterations, resulting in a usable product increment.
  • Self-organizing teams — Agile promotes empowered, cross-functional teams with the autonomy to make decisions and organize their work.
  • Continuous improvement — Teams regularly seek ways to enhance efficiency, quality, and customer value.

2. Cross-Functional Teams

Forming cross-functional teams comprising individuals with diverse skills (developers, testers, designers, etc.) enables faster decision-making, reduces dependencies, and facilitates more rapid development and deployment cycles. Cross-functional teams work together to achieve a common goal.

Overall, forming cross-functional teams promotes collaboration, agility, and innovation, which is essential for organizations looking to stay competitive and deliver products and services faster and more effectively.

3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Implementing CI/CD practices enables the automation of build, test, and deployment processes, ensuring frequent and reliable releases, reducing manual errors, and accelerating the time to market.

By practicing CI, development teams can catch integration issues early and reduce conflicts between developers' code. This helps maintain a high level of code quality. CD takes CI further by automating the deployment of applications to production environments after successful builds and tests.

Implementing both practices offers a faster time to market, enabling teams to deliver high-quality software faster.

4. Test Automation

Automating testing processes helps detect bugs and issues early, leading to faster bug fixing and reducing the time spent on manual testing, thus expediting the overall development process.

Test automation integrates with CI/CD seamlessly. Automated tests can be completed quickly, providing rapid feedback on the software's performance and functionality. This helps developers identify issues early in the development cycle. Automated tests eliminate human errors that could arise during manual testing.

5. DevOps Practices

Embracing DevOps culture and practices like collaboration, automation, and monitoring can streamline the development, testing, and deployment processes, leading to faster and more efficient software delivery.

By adopting effective communication, teams can work together to resolve issues faster, which leads to better outcomes and enhanced efficiency. DevOps deepens the shared responsibility between development and operations teams, focusing on delivering the best value to the end users.

6. Code Reusability and Modularity

Encouraging code reuse and modular design principles enables developers to leverage existing components, libraries, and frameworks, reducing redundant development efforts and speeding up the development process.

Code reusability is the ability to repurpose pre-existing code when developing new software applications. Developers can save time and effort by leveraging code that’s tested and proven to work.

Modularity—the process of creating software modules—allows for scalability and flexibility. The modular systems make it easier for developers to add or replace modules without disrupting the entire system. This flexibility makes it less demanding to maintain the system over time.

7. Prioritization and Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Clearly defining and prioritizing requirements helps retain focus on essential features, reducing scope creep and allowing for earlier releases with a minimum set of features, which can then be iteratively expanded upon. Prioritization ensures that the most valuable components are addressed first.

MVP helps the production gather user feedback fast to iterate and improve the product. It is a simplified product with enough features to be used by customers and then refined and enhanced. Key benefits to MVP include faster time-to-market, reduced development costs, and less risk.

Both concepts optimize resource allocation, reduce scope creep, and deliver valuable products to users more efficiently. Combining the two can provide a product that meets your customers' core needs.


Faster enterprise healthcare software development requires careful planning, collaboration, and execution. Adopting an Agile methodology, forming cross-functional teams, implementing CI/CD practices, utilizing automation, embracing DevOps practices, encouraging code reuse and modular design principles, and using the MVP approach are essential best practices for accelerating your development projects and improving the quality of your solutions.

Organizations can optimize their development projects and stay competitive in today's fast-paced healthcare industry by working with a trusted expert services provider like OtterSoft.

Here at OtterSoft, we help healthcare technology providers drive innovation and integrate smoothly with legacy systems to keep things in motion, address the challenges of healthcare innovation, and seamlessly sync information. To see how we can help you overcome the challenges of healthcare innovation, contact us today!